Friday, September 21, 2007

My Reaction to the Jenna 6...

As I sit back and watch the developments in Louisiana, I can only say to myself that we as Americans should be ashamed of ourselves. Yet, I'm not shocked by what's going on. This is mostly because most Americans have elected to not educate themselves. Many more are more interested in who wins American Idol, then they are in what goes on in the world.

To a good deal of Americans, what Britney Spears is doing, or not doing is more newsworthy then what's going on in Iraq or Afghanistan, or even in their own backyard. We allowed racism to happen, on every side. The people who blindly follow Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton allow themselves to be bated in racial tension just as much as the Ku Klux Klan does for white people. Racism knows no race (kind of ironic, isn't it?) However, the truth of the matter is the fact that Americans have become less intelligent, less aware of what's going on in the world.

Right now, we have corrupt people from Washington all the way to Main St. who are abusing us. Religious leaders are trying to take over the government. So called "racial leaders" are baiting their own people into this rabid hate for other races, just so they can stay in power.

It's very smart on their end. Keep us fighting each other, so we can't fight them. It's time to wake up people. It's time we united as a country, and went above race. It's time to hold our government, from Bush all the way down to the local dog catcher responsible for their actions. Your neighbor is NOT your enemy. The real enemy is corrupt politicians, corrupt civic leaders. That's the real terrorists.

1 comment:

anon said...

Holy shit! I just got done writing about it at efx2blogs. Great minds think alike! Are you coming back with the rest of us???