Thursday, September 13, 2007

Greetings Professor Falken...

Since I'm at a new community...might as well tell everyone a little bit more about me.

- I have a weird/morbid/vulgar sense of humor.

- Just look at my BlogPod, and you will see that my musical tastes vary, but I don't like country and pop.

- I am libertarian.

- My belief structure is closer to Satanism. Here's my rule about religion...don't force it on me. I'm 26, not 5.

- Yes, I am bisexual. Go ahead, run and cry.

- I like to base everything in this crazy concept called reality. That means certain things are going to offend you. Other things will piss you off. Sorry, my world isn't one of rainbows, ponies and sunshine. If you want that, there's other blogs out there like that.

- I curse. Sue me.

- Yes, I would be classified in the Gothic subculture. However, my blog title is my nickname. I don't care what you think about it, I like it. It fits me.

- I'm not scared to tell you how I feel about you. If I don't like you, I'll say it to your face. I expect the same from you. Oh, I also loathe ass-kissers. I don't have a coattail you can drag yourself on. I believe in QUALITY over quantity. My friends are true friends. I will die and kill for my friends, because they are special in my life. That's a pretty high honor.

- Yes, I dislike the world. I dislike what people have done to it. I'm working to try to change it.

- I LOATHE reality shows. So please, don't ask me if I saw American Idol, the answer is, was and will always be no.

- I don't hate anyone. Hate means I care enough to actually think about that person. Trust me, if I don't like you, I don't want you to waste my time.

There you go. That's my world in a nutshell, just be nice to me, and I'll be nice to you.